Friday, December 5, 2008

Random Thoughts

Sorry I have been neglecting this blog lately. Too busy with various things throughout the week. But I don't feel like working right now, so I'll just jot down a few random thoughts I have.

- You can make a lot of money buying and selling Sharks tickets. I just sold my Detroit tickets for 1/17 for $280 on Powerplay (pocketing $252)!! Funny how Peter Fong's been talking about money for the past month or so and how the love of money is evil. I am conflicted =(

- The Sharks played the ugliest game of the season last night... and still won! I'm not sure whether to be happy or upset. It's good to know we can still win when we don't play well (other than Nabby). However, it's also kind of disturbing how a team like Columbus, with inferior talent, can outwork and outplay us so badly. And it's not like we came out responded in the 2nd period after the lackluster first. Where were the adjustments? The step up in intensity? It's not like we played the previous night or had any travel.

- We definitely need some more 3rd and 4th line scoring. This has been a problem for us all year. The first and second lines have been carrying our scoring, as they should be. And while the other 2 lines haven't been playing horribly, they still need to contribute a little bit more. Remember the days of Scott Thornton, Mike Ricci, and Niklas Sundstrom? Those third liners were scoring 15-20 goals. The return of Mitchell and getting Cheechoo healthy should both help, so I guess we'll see.

- Are we not using JR to his full potential? When Todd McLellan threw JR on the top line with Joe and Patty last night, he fit right in. Although he's definitely lost a step since his prime, isn't he being wasted on the 4th line? How is he ever going to score playing with Jody Shelley and (insert Worchester call-up here)? Remember what he did against the Flames last year in the playoffs? And why do you think we continue using him in shootouts? Do you think maybe it's because he knows how to score? I just realized this whole paragraph is made up of questions, so i will end with a statement. I don't know where exactly you would put him in the lineup, but I just don't think he belongs on the 4th line.

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