Monday, November 24, 2008

Meeting Jody Shelley!!

So yesterday, I went to the Westgate Starbucks at around 930AM. And who was in line in front of me? Jody Shelley! It took me 3 seconds to realize who he was. I knew right away he was on the Sharks, but I had to confirm in my head that it was Jody. I don't think anyone else recognized him, since no one talked to him. He had his back to me so I said "Jody?" He turned around and I told him I was a big fan and all that. Then I was nervous and didn't really know what to say, so I said "Good fight last night", even though he had gotten the crap beaten out of him by Donald Brashear. I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth. Anyway, he just played it off and by saying "Eh, it was alright". Then we talked for another half minute or so about how well the Sharks have been playing and he said it was exciting and stuff. I also asked if he lived in the area and he said he lives in Saratoga, so I'll be visiting that Starbucks more often on the Sharks' days off!


Grace said...

Chris is now a Sharks stalker in the making

Anonymous said...

HAHAHHA CAN I COME WITH??? over break. we'll stalk them out at starbucks hahahaha that's so funny!!! like a little kid!!! hahaha but i'd prob be more nervous so i'm sure u played it off well haha

Jonathan said...

now what would grace have done had she seen pickles at a starbucks?

Ting said...

lol,you are lucky he is nice off the ice chris =P

Grace said...

um... i would've totally jumped him... duh!

Jonathan said...

Grace is now Sharks stalker #2 in the making.