Sunday, May 4, 2008


a loss in the 4th OT of game 6.

I am absolutely devastated. I dont really know what to think right now.

Should I feel sad? Should I feel disappointed? Should I feel let down? What do you feel after a game like this...a series like this...a season like this?

I really dont know. I was absolutely furious at the team after the first 3 games. I was pissed off at their play...their lack of heart and motivation. They really deserved to be down 3 games to 0. They were atrocious.

but they came back in games 4 and 5, and played as they should be playing. They played with heart and urgency. They played such a great game, a strong game, a complete game in game 6, and they lost it on a powerplay.

I am proud of the Sharks for battling back and not giving up when down 3 games. I am proud that they fought through the adversity and showed us what they were made of.

It was just too bad that they dug themselves too deep from the onset. You cant put yourself in a hole against a strong team like Dallas (and a great goalie in Turco).

Sadly, this is going to be an end to an era. Im pretty confident that Ron Wilson will be let go. As much as I love him, we need a new direction. Who knows who else will go? I dont even want to think about who will be sent away, traded, or unsigned.

Everyone I know who grew up in the Bay Area has the mentality that the Sharks will always choke and disappoint in the postseason. They have a great regular season, and absolutely implode in the 2nd round. Sadly, its a reality and I cant argue against it. But they are my beloved Los Tiburones, and I will follow them until I die. The Red Sox didnt win the World Series for 80 something years. While I hope that I wont have to wait that long for the Cup to come home to San Jose, I am confident that it will.

Goodbye 2008 Sharks. It was a roller-coaster ride, and you definitely caused me a lot of sleepless nights. Who knows what will happen next year...but I can only hope.

In the meantime however, it's going to take a while for me to digest this loss.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

around the league

wow. interesting matchups in all 4 semifinal series.

In the one completed series so far, Detroit swept Colorado 4-0. Game 4 was an 8-2 BLOWOUT! I thought Colorado would have put up a greater fight. Everyone expected this series to go to at least 6 or 7 games.

In all the other three series, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia all won their first 3 games, before San Jose, New York, and Montreal won the 4th game to avoid the sweeps.

yeah...i dont know what analysis im trying to say, so ill just leave it at this.

I still have faith

Down 3 games to 1, I feel the Sharks have the talent to push it to 7 games and win it.

Heck, we won 11 straight games this season, and were unbeaten in regulation in 20 straight games. What's winning another 3 games in a row? During this streak, we beat Pittsburgh and Detroit on the road and beat Montreal, Dallas, and Ottawa at home.

Granted these are the playoffs and Dallas is a great team, and everything from the regular season goes out the window, but I still think that the Sharks have the ABILITY to pull off this comeback.

But ABILITY is only part of it. We have to play a complete game, not only 2/3s of a game. In all games, we went into the 3rd, either tied, down by 1 goal, or up by 1 goal. In the two games we were up by 1 goal, we completely imploded in the 3rd period and lost.

Dallas is not the better team. I still think we are. If we play every period, every shift, every minute like its our last, I think we will win this.